About Me

My name is Laurence Romaire-Clark and I am a native French teacher.
I was born in Bar-le-Duc, a small town in the Lorraine region in the north east of France, where I spent my childhood and my youth with my family.

When I was 19 I moved to Strasbourg to attend University.  I earned a Bachelor’s degree in the Romance Languages. After, I spent several years in Bordeaux, where I earned a Master’s degree in Portuguese Language, Culture and Literature. Finally, I earned a second Master’s degree in Language Sciences, with emphasis in teaching French as a foreign language from the University in Perpignan.  I have always been passionate about languages and have dedicated my career to learning and teaching. I always wanted to travel and languages were the key.

Thanks to the languages I know, I’ve had the opportunity to travel, live, and work in The United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Portugal and The United States. Everytime I could, I lived for a while in the country in which I was studying the language, in order to be in complete imersion. I have come to believe that imersion is the best way to learn a language and understand the culture.

Back in France, I taught Spanish, Portuguese and French before I decided to teach only French. I have been teaching French exclusively for 10 years. In 2016, I accepted a work opportunity in San Francisco, during which time I met and married my husband Charley. We live in San Francisco, where I have set up my own school offering French classes and imersion trips to France : French Connexion.